Regarding VA-11 Hall-A

Can I make Let’s Play videos and monetize them?

Yes, go ahead!

What about music usage?

Any music enquiry should be directed at the composer.

What’s the stance on fan games and fan art? Can it be done with commercial purposes?

Yes, just don’t use assets that belong to the game itself. For example, it’s not OK to grab a Dorothy sprite from inside the game to sell a pin or a shirt, etc. — but it’s OK to use Dorothy art made by yourself and sell it however you see fit. Never use the Valhalla logo, or our company logo.

There’s no restrictions whatsoever if you’d like to develop a fan game. Feel free to mod the game too however you see fit. If you wanna sell a mod or a fan game, you might want to shoot us an email. This is not so we can approve it, but rather assess the scope and determine extra terms given the case.

The above only applies if you’re a person without intentions of mass producing. If you are a private company, not an individual, and you want to develop something for mass production, then you need a license. In which case feel free to contact us: sup sukeban moe

Can I do cameos or reference your game in my game?

Of course. Send me a copy of it when it’s done.

Merch when!?

You can find merch at the following online shops:

Ysbryd Store: https://merch.ysbryd.net/collections/va-11-hall-a

Fangamer: https://www.fangamer.com/collections/va-11-hall-a

¿Por qué VA-11 Hall-A no está en español si ustedes son de Venezuela?

Porque una traducción cuesta tiempo y dinero que no teníamos durante la producción, y salía mejor negocio hacer el juego de cero en ingles.

Las localizaciones a chino simplificado y japonés fueron hechas por nuestros publicadores, mientras que el resto de esfuerzos tienen que correr por nuestra cuenta, y la verdad es que el juego no está programado para recibir traducciones de manera sencilla.