Game Announcement: .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND


As hardcore Sukeban followers are already aware of, we’ve been quietly chipping away at a mysterious game we internally call Project D (or ceratijuego in certain circles), but now we’d like to formally announce it and reveal its final name: .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND.


An “Active Time Action” game, which sounds a little bit like nonsense but we like nonsense.

tl;dr, you move and dodge in real time while you wait for an Action bar to fill at a speed determined by character and weapon stats. Once that’s done you can then stop time and plan your offensive.

The genesis of the battle system can of course be traced back to a personal favorite of mine: Parasite Eve, but that’s about where comparisons end.

I’ll talk about this some other time.

The pitch: You play as Reila Mikazuchi; a washed out mercenary whose glory days are long gone. In a last attempt at grabbing life by the horns she decides to go back to the life, only to realize the real enemy isn’t in front of her gun.

Seen above: The game’s heroine Reila. Designed by me with help from Merengedoll.

The whole game plays out inside these highly atmospheric environments peppered with hand-placed encounters. You’ll be roaming around finding secrets hidden all over the game’s world, as well as talking to quite the unique cast of characters. Not to mention cool boss fights at the end of every level.

We’re currently aiming for seven chapters; five of which are currently playable from start to finish. Most of the features are already locked in, as well as the story. We highly doubt things will change much from this initial description though we never know… There’s always something we can get rid of to ship it within this lifetime.

Release when?

No idea. I don’t wanna give any time tables here as to not repeat a N1rvannA situation (though we do have an internal one), but we hope it’s sooner rather than later. I was actually gonna wait until we had the entire game built before announcing it Officially, but selling games has become much harder. It’s not 2016 anymore, so if we want this game to have a chance we gotta start now and hoard those wishlists and shit.

In short: When It’s Done.

Do expect monthly devlogs (I’ve been writing them for years now, though I’ve been behind for Very Good Reasons), and progress shots over at my Twitter account and Sukeban’s.


No news in that front. Sorry. I know that’s the main event everyone wants to see, but .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND is significantly ahead in development, and I decided to dedicate my full attention to it for the foreseeable future. Once we ship it then the sky will be the limit.

Who’s working on this?

That would be me as writer and director, with a friend who prefers to be anonymous as the programmer and co-creator (we came up with the story, gameplay and characters together maaany years ago). Merengedoll (of va-11 hall-a kids! fame), always the soldier, has been helping me out with character, enemy, boss and production design. Juneji (also from va-11 hall-a kids!) is doing the soundtrack and some 3D work; and for the first time ever we have someone managing our asses to move things forward at a nice pace.

If you’re familiar with my solo outing then you kinda know what to expect in terms of vibes and story; for better and for worse.

Stray Notes

  • Spanish, English and Japanese localizations are being planned for day one (hoping for more, but these three are the ones within our current bandwidth).
  • No downloadable demo planned as maintaining a separate build will probably drive us crazy.
  • After a couple reboots the current incarnation of the project has been under development for roughly two years, but if we wanna get cheeky, me and the programmer have been talking about doing something like this since high school. It really makes you think.
  • VA-11 Hall-A, when it came to my contributions to its visuals and atmosphere, was very much a pastiche of inspirations both subtle and in-your-face. This time around I’ve been trying to isolate my brain from external influences as much as possible outside of the initial spark for the battle system and other mechanics. Games take a lot of work to make, so I’d like to deliver a uniquely “Sukeban” experience; whatever it may entail.

For those in Japan: Play it at BitSummit Drift!

Lucky people in the Kyoto area can get a taste of the game’s first chapter at this year’s BitSummit Drift. July 19 (business day), 20 and 21.

Do come check it out!

We plan to exhibit the game at more events around the world in the coming future but we don’t have many details at the moment. Stay tuned.

For those who can’t attend, we’ll be releasing the game’s first trailer on the 19th! This is our YouTube channel.

Wrapping up

That’s all for now. To keep tabs on us you can join our discord and follow us on titter. This blog has an RSS feed if you’re into that, and there’s also the infamous years-old devlog.

See you on the other side!

49 thoughts on “Game Announcement: .45 PARABELLUM BLOODHOUND

  1. LETSSS GOOOOO i’m so excited to see what this has in store for us! I’ve been wanting a new game from you guys for the longest time, can’t wait!

  2. Incredibly excited for this! Please let us know ASAP when we can wishlist this on Steam!

  3. No way, news!
    If there is anyway to help with a French TL I would be glad to take part!

  4. i’m so pumped holy shit. glad it’s come so far. AND similar vibes to your solo works?? too good to be true…

  5. While no nirvana news is sad, this looks great and will do wonders to hold me over till then

  6. I wonder if there is any Valkyria Chronicles inspiration combat system wise
    I will be waiting for this game

  7. really happy to see this after looking in the VA-11 HALL-A sfx files years ago

  8. Looks interesting and it’s nice to have signs of life. My only question is: you mention wishlisting is needed for games to get traction, but I see none for Parabellum. I assume then that this will be upped later?

  9. Really happy to see that Sukeban games is still around and kicking out bangers, been one of my favorite studios for a while, and super excited to see this game coming from y’all. I hope N1RV Ann-A hasn’t been put in its grave yet though, congratulations all the same keep it up!

  10. wahoooo hell yeah baby, I remember when you first started working on this, So proud of you guys and how far you’ve come. and I’m okay with N1RVANNA taking it’s time to cook. when you have something as great VA-11 Hall-A following up is not an easy feat and I can imagine it was the Culmination of life experiences and so it requires time. Stay Safe and have a good day everyone!

  11. I have no experience with your games, but what caught my eye was by both the art style and UI from the slideshow trailer you released yesterday, and after reading further I knew I wanted to follow your work here to see where it leads. Excited to see where things progress and wishing you all the luck I can muster!

  12. I’m so excited for this!!! I can’t wait, i’ve been getting into older games like Parasite Eve and such and I can’t wait to see something like that brought into modern times.

  13. The PE battle system and the PSX 3D art style made me instantly fall in love with .45 Parabellum.

  14. i very love this kind of old school style game, hope you guys can going better and better.

  15. Very happy to see a new sukeban game on the horizon :). I really like the aesthetic of the few screenshots.
    VA-11 Hall-A is part of who I am and I will follow your work forever <3

  16. sounds really cool, I’ll be sure to wishlist it, but I have one question.
    what happened to “VA-11 HALL-A: RED-GREEN BLUES”? I haven’t seen any updates about it for like a year and I was really looking forward to it

  17. It’s great to see this exciting news and I can’t wait to share it with my friends!
    I am a fan from China, VA-11 Hall-A also has a lot of fans in China, looking forward to the Chinese localization of the game!

  18. Amazing, loved the trailer. Anxious! If possible, please provide subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese, we would appreciate it! Congratulations!

  19. This randomly appeared on my radar. Instantly sucked in by the music and atmosphere. Can’t wait for a release!

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