For more positive news, VA-11 Hall-A Will be added to Xbox Game Pass!
Many of you might’ve noticed that N1RV Ann-A had a projected release date of 2020 and that we’re at the end of 2020 with no announcement of any kind about that.
Well, the short of it is as follows: For the time being we’re changing N1RV Ann-A’s release date to an indefinite one and we’ll start shifting our public push towards other projects. N1RV Ann-A’s production won’t stop or slow down but it also won’t be our main promotional focus for a while.
Or for an even shorter version: N1RV Ann-A’s release date is now WID (When It’s Done) and we might have other projects to announce in the coming months that will come earlier than N1RV Ann-A.
Now, I could just leave it at this, but many of you might have questions. Why is this happening? Did the other projects cannibalize N1RV Ann-A? Is N1RV Ann-A being put on hold even though he just said production won’t stop?
So let’s talk about that shall we?

Let’s start with the most basic one: Why is this happening in the first place? After all we’ve shown demos at events and talked about how the game is gonna be.
The first falling of the delays fall squarely on my field. When N1RV Ann-A started production back in 2017 as the framework for another unrelated project that also needed a lot of text to be processed, it was still Kiririn and I handling things, so we kept work as we did during the VA-11 Hall-A days. As time went on and a lot of life-changing events happened I refused to relent control of the code even though we now had extra hands programming to help us with everything. The result was that I was heavily burned out while still insisting on being the sole programmer, the progress was really slow at this stage as a result.
How slow you ask? When I finally relented control of the code for the game to be rebuilt from scratch at the beginning of 2020 our programmer was able to rebuild everything I had done up till that point through explanations in about a month or less. With another month he was able to add a lot of missing features I outlined but wasn’t able to code in a timely manner.

With this you might be wondering why we didn’t make any faster progress. After all, if the framework was ready you just had to put stories in it. And the answer to that is creative differences. Thanks to circumstances I won’t go into detail here, there was an internal conflict on how the story should go. Ironing out those problems took time but the end result is a version of the story far better than anything we had previously envisioned.
As of the time of writing this post we have a clear idea for what the plot is and how it should go, and we’re taking steps so that we can restart production in a more formal way instead of keep doing things like in the days of VA-11 Hall-A where we did things as they came. More control means easier planning of a schedule which will be crucial if we want to accomplish all the big things that we want to do with N1RV Ann-A both in and out of the game.
However, you may be wondering, “Why change the date to WID instead of giving a clear one if you intend to have a tighter schedule?” The reason is that due to all these uprootings of the project, it has effectively been reset on many fronts. There’s much to be done before we can have any sort of public estimates. Date announcements or announcements of any kind for that matter probably won’t happen until we’re at the final stretch of the project. However, rather than go fully radio silent we intend to use stricter planning to be able to be more transparent during development and provide regular updates on the state of the project; it’s just the release date that will be undisclosed for a while.

A question this may bring to mind is, “Wait, you mentioned other projects. Did those cannibalize N1RV Ann-A?” Not really. Sukeban Games now consists of at least 6 people and we have enough resources to subcontract duties as needed. One of said projects was even started on the side during the period where I wouldn’t relent control of the code, a period where no progress in N1RV Ann-A could be made outside of myself because I was effectively holding it hostage and people gotta keep themselves busy.
Even with at least two side projects in parallel, we have enough breathing room where N1RV Ann-A won’t be compromised by a lack of attention. I’m technically the head writer and planner of this project and only this project, so during this planning phase no resources are being diverted away from N1RV Ann-A. When the time comes to move to another stage of development we can focus our resources accordingly depending on the current stage of each project. It’s our utmost interest that we don’t spread ourselves too thin.
And personally the last few months I’ve been learning how to pace myself in order to get back into work habits that aren’t dependent on periods of crunch and burnout but rather steady and constant work. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and this link needs to pick up the pace.
This is the part where I apologize on behalf of the team but especially myself. N1RV Ann-A’s production has been a complex beast full of even more growing pains than VA-11 Hall-A. I’ve been on a personal journey of self-improvement during its production and while I can say me, the team, and the project are in the best shape we’ve been in quite a while, time waits for nobody and it is now the end stretch of 2020 with the project at an earlier stage than it should be.
This I can promise you though, the next time you hear publicly and loudly of N1RV Ann-A it’ll be unforgettable, and when the project is done the wait will be worth it.
Until then, and with my most sincere apologies to everyone that’s been looking forward to the game, let’s make this a trip where everyone can see the road we’re taking.

Hey, I’m just glad we should be getting a better game
I wish you can your team the best of luck in your current and future endeavors.
Hope for the best for your team!
No need to worry, we are all looking forward to N1RV ANN-A but delays are inevitable in the end we are all human
I can’t wait for this game, and by I can’t wait I mean “I can wait as much time as it needs and my excitement for it will never die”. I’m glad you guys are working towards building not only a better game, but also a better team! I’m really excited to see what you have in store for the other games as well. Take your time, make the journey the best one you can!
Good Luck to all the team!
the wait continues! can’t wait for a finalized date and good luck!
Thanks for being straightforward and sincere. This kind of open relantionship with your customers is really appreciated. I’m looking forward for all of Sukeban’s upcoming games.
Everything Will Be Okay.
I don’t wanna be that guy but is there gonna be preorders? I want to support you guys
damn, i was looking forward to it this year, but i suppose this is reasonable, considering we didnt hear much about it. ill be waiting for when it does come out tho! im sure itll be a good one.
Sorry to hear that, guess it better than what I had feared that it was canceled altogether, but the way this reads also kinda makes me think that that’s where it’s headed…
good luck guys!
Bit of a bummer but I’ll get over it. The game is already seems great and I know the delay will be super worth it. I can understand how uncompromising personal development could be and reading this just made me love the game more, and it’s not even out yet! G’luck and can’t wait to hear more about the other stuff too <3
Tómense el tiempo necesario, un videojuego no es fácil de hacer. Les mando buenas vibras.
I’ll wait for as long as im alive
and thats forever
Take the time you need – VA-11 was beautiful and we believe in you!
Where can I buy that sticker in the last picture?
Nothing but respect and love for you guys :3
I waited many years for Cyberpunk 2077, guess I can wait just a couple for N1RV Ann-A. WID it’s ok <3
Take all the time you need to make the game you all envision ^_^
With this weird ass year we all had it’s okay if the release is delayed.. I’d rather enjoy a late game over a rushed game any time + knowing that the people who worked on it we’re not pushed to their limits unlike certain companies trying to squeeze holidays money and overworking their devs…
I hope we can see more details of the gameplay soon!
you can do it!
I don’t care, just make sure it’s not shit and I’m happy to wait as long as needed.
It must of been hard to submit to delaying but it is the right call. Hell this year as been a hurdle all on its own. Glad you are all pulling through.
This somewhat reminds me of Martin Molin from Wintergatan while building a musical marble machine. He also struggled to let others have creative control over designing key components. Multiple times he repeated how hard it was to let go and focus on managing other aspects. Seriously check out a couple videos on youtube, it’s inspiring. Incredible people from all around the world working together out of passion.
Keep up the great work Sukeban team! I’ll buy it when it’s done.
It’s sad to hear about this, but even then I know you guys will make the wait worth it.
Good luck to the whole team, let’s hope it’s smooth sailing from here!
Take care of yourselves, that’s the most important part, we will keep waiting all the time it’s needed:)
Programmers: Understandable. Have a nice day
Every small glimpse at the game makes me more hype!
Thank you for posting and keep up the new pace you set for yourself.
I believe in you.
Love you guys and your games
Take all the time you need guys. Thank you for keeping it straight with your fans, love to see it. Whatever internal battles you were having as well, I hope you’re doing a lot better now!
VA-11 Hall-A literally changed my life with how impactful it was, so I am a fan for life. It was something really special that could be found nowhere else. I expect nothing else from N1RV ANN-A, no pressure! Seriously though, I know that whatever the end result, it will be made with love. Thank you guys and keep it up.
I’m glad you’re being open about it and sharing the reasoning behind the delays. Do not worry yourselves and do it at your pace. We’ve got enough patience. Will just replay VA-11 Hall-A until N1RV Ann-A comes out. Good luck!
The pandemic has been hard on everyone and we understand what you’re going through. You can do it! Best of luck, Sukeban!
I’m happy to hear that you all are working on right things, despite the situation. Thank you for letting us know about how things are going. I’ll happily wait and wish you luck!
I’m happy to hear that you all are working on right things, despite the situation. Thank you for letting us know about how things are going. I’ll happily wait and wish you luck!
We’ll wait.
But please, make her breasts smaller a little D:
No worries! I hope we can hear more about the changes to N1RV Ann-A from conception to release someday—I’m realky curious about the setting changing from a swanky blue hotel bar in the initial announcement to a cozy orange dive bar in recent screenshots.
no rush, do what you must to deliver a good game.
hit us with some good stuff will ya?
Don’t worry, we all know that make games and change lives take a lot of time. We’ll wait patiently.
Good luck guys!
Could you use these extra times to finally add the VA-11 Hall-A achievements on GOG? Thanks!
I’m really glad you took inventory of what needed to be done. Take all the time you need!
It’s hard to wait, but much easyer when you share your plans with us
Good luck
Take care of yourself!
This is a really great update, thank you. While nobody gets excited for a delay, it’s appreciated (and rare) when developers explain what happened, where things are now, and how things are likely to go. I respect you being so transparent.
I also respect being able to admit when your own decisions were the issue. I’ve seen work environments where someone insists on having control of something but then isn’t proactive. Being able to recognize that, relinquish some control, and own up to that is hard. Thank you.
Dear Sukeban, I am sorry to hear all the troubles you had gone through – as all other fans I was (and still am!) looking forward to the release of your next big project. But I think we all understand that passion needs time and you should take all the time you need to deliver something you fully stand behind. Thank you for your hard work and have a blessed holiday.
Well, I was hoping that I could at least see N1RV Ann-A done and ready before COVID claimed me. But now, I can only hope my siblings and my friends can have the luck to do so.
Curse this year of misfortune, and curse this pandemic.
Please, everyone, enjoy this jewel to the best of your abilities when it comes out, since I most likely won’t be able to.
These things happen in every profession. The challenges and hardships make it all the more worth it and so do the end results and the positive feedback. Fans like myself are sure as hell going to wait patiently and maybe just that extra long wait will make us appreciate the product that much more. We know it’s going to be a good game and hell yeah we’ll support the other side projects. Much love to you, Sukeban!
It takes grit to stand in front of your peers and fans then admit the guilt of your own stubbornness. It’s easy to be intimidated and play it safe to avoid criticism about internal issues, so news like this is the golden standard of breaking down these kind of events. You have no idea how much this kind of transparency means to us all.
I wish the team only the best and we will all be waiting patiently to see this to the end.
Also, ya’ll doing a collector’s edition or what? I’m fiendin’ here. Tell Juneji I need my fix.
Hey Sukeban Games, no worries. I’ll wait as long as it takes. I wanna play the game you want to be happy and proud to release. Thanks for sharing these details with us so we can temper our expectations!
Doesn’t matter when will you guys will release the game, as long as it is polished and is meant to be the way you initially thought of it. Stay strong g/u/rls.
Best wishes for the team and take rest from time to time. Don’t worry too much.
Take your time guys, I know it’s gonna be great. Lova ya.
I’m glad you guys try to crunch as less as possible. We all are humans with personal lifes and needs. Please take as long as you truly need. I will be there for the release, even if it takes years.
Don’t worry too much about the extra time. You created an excelent game before and should you put your all into this, then N1RV Ann-A will also be great. I will wait for it and play it, once it comes out.
I’m just happy that you’re giving a priority to your self care. 2020 has been a strange year, with all its negativity it reminded us that at the end of the day, what matters the most is self care.
Meh, i’ve waited long enough for cyberpunk 2077 to be released. Guess another year of waiting for this game won’t kill me 😛
I understand the reasoning behind the delay and figured it was imminent. Game development obviously takes time and pushing out a rushed product is not a desirable outcome for anyone. Hopefully this delay just means you guys are able to make this game closer to the intended vision you have for it. Wishing you all the best of luck on releasing another amazing game for us in the near future.
I know that all the time we´r waiting it will be worthy, take your time guys. Your fan base is more than happy to wait for u <3
I bought Va-11 Hall-A recently as in got it on December 1st 2020 and I really enjoyed it and I only found out about this sequel after I finished it and I didn’t know it was delayed and it was odd when I looked at the steam page and it didn’t have a release date but then I found this and the reasons behind the delay but I’m hoping you guys are able to make it the game you want it to be and I’m fine with waiting I’m used to it and this gives you time to make it even better and add new things and more
I hope you guys will have a great time and fun making it and hope nothing will stop you from making this game come true
I was never this excited for a game in my life, and honestly I can wait even my whole life to play it, I´m also looking forward for the other projects, I´m sure they are going to be just as amazing and godlike, I´ll support you guys, keep working hard, I´m sure all of this community have your backs no matter what, thanks for all your hard work!
Hey, I’ll even wait an eternity because it’ll be worth it. Godspeed.
Take your time and don’t be too hard on yourself, it seems like you guys know what you want out of the project and have been able to move forward now. Hype train is still alive in me, no other game has compared to your teams work since. Just make sure to update us when you can, I was scared it was canned for a bit!
Also I require Va11-Hall-A merch asap
At least I’m glad to see this announcement.
To know that the project is still going on made me appreciate enough,
and I am looking forward to the date that, game will be released.
Wish you guys best luck ! !
It sound strange. Especially so loud promises. But no out date is mean that one day will be a lucky surprise day. And it’s sound fine in some way
“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad”
Take all the time you need💕
Best of luck!
I’m just glad we should be getting a better game
Don’t worry about it guys! 2020 has been rough on everyone! Keep up the great work and stay safe!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
sounds like things have been rough, hope the rest of the way will be smooth sailing. you guys are doing great jobs! take care of yourselves, your fanbase will be waiting patiently 🙂
Take all the time you guys need, we can wait 🙂
I look forward to N1RV ANN-A!N1RV ANN-A is a very nice game and I love it,this year was terrible but I’m glad you guys are fine.Care about yourselves and take it easy!
Best wishes for you guys!
As a programmer, I understand how hard it can be to let other people touch your codebase or take things over after you’ve been working on it alone for so long. I hope you’re feeling better now, despite the burnouts, internal conflicts, COVID and whatnot. I’m a big fan of VA-11 Hall-A and hope you have great holidays.
Don’t let us down! Take your time, don’t promise before you are confident, it’s OK!
This is a shame to hear. You can make up for it by providing more merch for me to purchase. 😉
Still waiting for vallhalla ios smh
Take your time! Love your VA-11 game. And I’m happy to wait even for a few years for another one that’s released by your team! Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!
Best wishes to you and the team.
U can do it!