Since people often say we’re not transparent despite me writing almost daily in our dev log site, and baring our souls naked in heart-wrenching blog posts, I’ll do an honest-to-god attempt at getting folks up to speed with what we’re doing.

This is a hard one. Whatever I write will get misconstrued into something that’s not, which I find beyond annoying.
It will release. Eventually.
Fernando (Valhalla’s writer) wrote a post about it ages ago here, but some of the issues that were presented in that blog persisted, while some others arose. Fernando hasn’t been involved in active game development for a time now, and we are hoping for a comeback once they’re in a better place.
I’ve been trying to push the project ahead on my own in the meantime but there’s only so much I can do with the amount of things on my plate while still being a human being with 24 hours a day to manage.
Anyway, Fernando needs time away from game development. Please respect that, since we’ll never put some video game above their health. As good as said video game might be.
Codename Next Game, aka The game with the cute girl wearing a funny hat

Not many know or remember this one but I’ll address it too.
Next Game was supposed to be our second release after Va11halla. A spooky adventure game with graphics resembling those of the original PlayStation.
Fernando was also supposed to write it, but if you’ve read what’s above you get a pretty good idea of what happened. Plus we severely underestimated how hard the transition from 2d visual novels to full 3d games would be.
We also overestimated our organization at the time, and thought we could ship both Next Game and Nirvana in the span of 3-4 years. Alas, a number of things happened. Had to deal with Venezuela’s bullshit, move countries, adapt to life abroad, deal with COVID, etc.
On the bright side, the game has a fully working set of tools and we can build it anytime as soon as we have the time and a dedicated writer on board again. This will also see the light one day.
The actual work being done
Our current focus (due to the severe lack of Fernando) is on a single game internally known as Project D. It began pre-production when it became clear Fernando was not fit to work for the foreseeable future. Officially started development at the tail end of 2019 and it’s been steadily becoming a real thing as we learn about the intricacies of 3D action game development using Unity.

We’ve settled on a final game design and we aim towards a content-complete build (albeit with near zero polish) sometime this year if nothing goes wrong.
Valhalla additional language support (spanish, french, brazilian portuguese, etc.)
This is one that needs to be reiterated over and over, but Valhalla’s code is a logistical nightmare. Adding languages is hard, and we don’t have the staff to do it. PLEASE pester Ysbryd games, not us, if you wanna see your preferred language being added. If they see there’s a good demand they’ll do the appropriate moves to outsource it like they did for japanese and chinese. I’m really sorry but this is simply beyond our scope and I wish it wasn’t a thing. Future games are being made with actual localization support from the very beginning to avoid a similar situation.
Stuff we’ve done since Valhalla came out
As a team we’ve been working on short, free games for game jams. These are some of them:

There’s more here.
As a solo dev I’ve also been doing small games.
I released THE RADIO WAVE BUREAU at the start of the year and you can check it out here.
The Future

Aside from finishing Project D we have no idea. There’s a lot of projects that have been prototyped internally; lots of concepts, ideas, stories, characters. We never stopped creating, we just don’t show or announce nothing as to not repeat past mistakes. It sucks hyping people up for things that won’t be finished for reasons beyond our control.
Once Project D ships we’ll be able to assess things properly.
The game industry is changing a lot, too. Perhaps not in regards of the contents inside the games, but the business side that never stops being all fucked up.
We are heading towards subscription models, heavy consolidation. Games being another medium on the way of becoming just more “content”. Large conglomerates love that shit.
Streamers, vtubers, etc. are also here to stay, and they won’t play games that don’t attract an audience, or are not tailor made to be watched rather than played. If they don’t know your game, you’re basically screwed.
It’s scary out there, and the more time we spend without releasing new commercial games the more scared I get.
Will people even remember we exist by the time we ship Project D?
That said, I’m not against these business models and the performers per se. Valhalla was available on Game Pass after all, and we help lots of small streamers by clicking that hot retweet button whenever we can. My issue is seeing new game developers struggle to find an audience (and money) to sustain themselves. Not everyone will be connected with someone at Microsoft or whatever the fuck big company is willing to give them a chance to get paid. Lots of devs don’t know how, or can’t shill their works to Mitsubishi Toyota the eldritch car girl with a million YouTube subs. It’s all very uncertain.
One thing I’d love to do is to ship our big games and then dedicate ourselves to small scale games that can be completed in a matter of months. Our Game Jam library above is proof we can ship cool things in short order, but I don’t think small free games can sustain a whole business.
Perhaps a Patreon where people can get new games from us every so often? That one sounds good. Comfy even. Let me know in the comments below if you’d be interested in such a thing.
I’ll always appreciate the concern (it means people care, even if it’s a small sample), but shit can get to me so it’s better to have this as future reference.
tl;dr we are relatively healthy at the moment. We still make games, we still spend most of our time working on games. Project D is on the way (won’t announce it properly until we know for certain it’s going to be finished), and the future harbors some interesting possibilities even in the middle of an uncertain time to be alive. Let Fernando heal and live his life too, please. The life of someone should never be below a game release.
I hope you all show up when the time comes!
Thank you for keeping us up to date, much love!
I wish Fernando and the rest of Sukeban games the best with all their projects and games >.<
It’s good to hear from you guys, it’s a shame that projects are delayed due to health problems or crap from your country, but the community will always be here supporting Sukeban games and their projects!!.
Even though its been years since I’ve played Vallhalla I’m still excited for your future games even if there not as story focused and even if it takes 4 more years for another release ill still be ready to buy it when its available I really hope your writer gets better soon
I purchased VA-11 Ha11-A five years ago on March 12, 2017. Absolutely incredible experience, have since purchased 3 more times on other devices and convinced friends to buy and play. Thank you for taking the time to update everyone as frequently and whenever ya’ll do. It’s really neat you guys are as transparent as you are because I think you’re more than valid to not say a word or aren’t really obligated to do anything or say anything, as it’s not my business what else is going on in your lives. Additionally I want to say that many people like myself who have been fans a long time are really happy to wait a really really long time. I’m happy you guys are putting your physical and mental needs first as not only is it well earned and deserved. I would be really happy to pay into a patreon or whatever to help support and see another really wonderful big project come to fruition.
really glad to hear y’all are doin’ ok! wishin’ y’all the best on whatever comes next!
I wish you the best of luck with everything
Codename Next Game legitimately sounds pretty cool o___o
Anyway, I’ll play whatever game you guys create next, honestly, you’ve earned my trust with Valhalla (Which I just Platinumed around three weeks ago because I’ve been on a Platinuming wave recently for some reason!) but obviously the team’s health comes first. I’d be curious to see the Patreon format you mention, also, maybe with some perks for higher tiers… As a collector of autographs, I’ll just mention that a tier involving something the team signs would be a good way to get my money real easy~
thanks for keeping us in the loop.
I personally so far didn’t pay for a Patreon, though I at least considered it in the past, but unless it is something that really scratches my itch I don’t think I would buy into it.
I’m also someone who doesn’t own a game subscription beyond Nintendo Online, if we even count that – and that obviously primarily for the online services, so I guess I’m just not the audience for this kind of stuff.
Project D sounds and looks interesting enough, looking forward to it. Any more info on that would be appreciated – maybe make an exhaustive post which you update as time and development goes on and link to it when it comes up, that seems more efficient than reiterating every so often.
Smaller games for a couple bucks sounds totally fine by me.
Thanks for this summary, made me catch up with what’s happening over with you.
I will check out jam’s games, I didn’t know you make them ^^
I don’t know if anyone else is commenting on this, but I would gladly support you on Patreon if you started making “quicky” games. I believe it would be a great way for you guys to experiment with your ideas without commercial constraints. Hugs 💛 .
I’d definitely pick up anything y’all drop, 100% hook. No matter how long it’ll take, no matter how many copies of valhalla I need to buy, you can count on that.
Always appreciate the updates. Hoping you and the team are all in good health, please stay safe!
Health comes first always. I love your stuff, it really means a lot to me and has sustained me through many a dark time. I will support a Sukeban Patreon even if there isn’t a steady stream of content on it.
Take care, keep well, much love. <3
Just wondering if you ever thought about doing co-op games or something of the sort to get more people interacting with the game.
I appreciate you taking time to make sure everyone on board is healthy instead of pushing out a new game mindlessly! Best of luck, but no rush! I’ll be happy with whenever it releases!
First time I played Va-11 Hall-a in 2018 and I fell in love with characters, world, plot, literally everything. Since then i replayed Va-11 Hall-a and waited for Nirvanna. Years has passed. It was 2021 when I started to ask why the game isn’t ready yet. That’s when I found dev-blog, news that the game won’t come out until everything is done and polished (the decision i respect) and so on.
I’m not even sure that anyone will see that comment or even care what some random user thinks but if you ask me, I admire you and your work, that you didn’t gave up and work on what you love and gladly support you on Patreon. And I’m not the only one.
If you love what you do you’ll have no problems with funding and people, and you DO care about your projects. So I wish you all the best and I can’t wait to play more of your games when they come out (not if, but when)
Honestly, i never knew what was going on with development of nirvana, or all that stuff you made along the way until a certain someone linked this in a ds. But looking at it now, i hope that you overcome the hardest stuff.
Get well soon, Fernando!
I appreciate everything you guys have done. Good luck and take care.
U created my best waifu, so i will never forget u.
Thanks for all and good look in your futures proyects and doesn’t matter if i need to wait 5 years more to the next tame i will be there for you guys.
Siempre en el corazón❤
You all as a group have yet to produce a game that I haven’t liked, your game have brought the joy of playing games to me, I look forward to the games of the future and will gladly help any way I can be it through a Patreon page or just recommending your game to friends. Wish your team the best of luck, and thank you for games so far!
I actually just bought Valhalla last year and started playing it a month ago. I’m almost done with it and I love it so much. I saw your tweet about this post and I’m glad you were able to update us on the state of the team. Sorry ya’ll have been dealing with bullshit after bullshit. Please stay healthy and do what makes ya’ll happy! I would be interested in some kind of Patreon.
Stay safe and much love from California <3
I wish Fernando and the rest of the team all the best, we love your work and we shall be patient
Also as a fellow creator I think Patreon is a great idea, even if not many people join, it can be reassuring to have a little extra money to help with bills and such when times are rough
I’m happy to hear things are generally fine and I wish the best for Fernando! On the topic of a Patreon, as someone who is already subscribed to multiple Patreon creators, that sounds like a fantastic idea.
Thank you for the great transparency, actually I hadn’t known about your dev log site.
I have not tried any of your small projects but the idea of a Patreon sounds promising if it will help you and your team to stay healthy and supported while recovering. Heck we’ll get some cool games out of it, too.
I wish for the quick recovery of Fernando, and looking forward to your announcement about Project D hoping that development goes smoothly.
Oh I would totally be down for a patreon, 100%. To me it doesn’t matter if i get rewards or whatever, i just want to support you all.
The industry is going the way of the dodo, but the indie community keeps getting stronger each month, so do not give up hope!
Creators have better support nets and visibility than they did when Valhalla released, even if the grind is real.
As far as Sukeban, keep on keeping on, folks will wait, and game dev takes time (and the proper headspace to).
Plus you posted a funny girl with a hat, that’s enough for me for some years! 😀
Waiting for news on any other ways to support, be it merch or patreon (or forcing even more friends to buy valhalla!)
I went through a storm of bad shit several years ago. My partner and I decided to break off a ten year relationship and while I was trying to adjust to life after that I had a friend and a few close family members die within a few weeks of each other. It was like being cursed for a year and a half and it sent me into a depression spiral that took me a while to climb back out of but the holiday season is still kinda tainted because one of those deaths was my sister, who died on New Years.
I keep a weird schedule because I work nights. I have no car and most of my family lives out of town. So around Christmas things can get pretty rough if they don’t make it down for a visit. In those times I need a distraction, and that’s how I ended up playing Va-11 Hall-A.
I had meant to play it for a while but I’m glad I held off because that first play through ended up being something special and it happened exactly when I needed it to. Now, anytime Christmas/New Years rolls around and I’m feeling down I boot it up for a replay. Maybe go a bit too ham on optional karmotrine looking for conversations I missed. It’s become my cure for holiday depression and for that I’m deeply grateful.
Even if your writer never works on another game, I’m glad he helped you guys put out that one. It holds a special place in my heart and it helped me through a really bad patch. I hope he manages to get through his too someday. Thanks for saving my holidays/sanity and thanks for doing what you do. Whatever the future holds, I wish nothing but the best for all of you
i had just replayed vallhalla a couple days ago and man it just reminded me how fucking much i love your guys work. youll always have a fan base no matter how long it takes to release the next game so take all the time you need.
also the patreon sounds like a great idea!
best of luck 🙂
Thank you,
I’m sure I and many others greatly appreciate the time and constant effort you guys put into this, the servers, forums and overall community wherever and whenever.
With regards to Fernando, you and the others should take time to relax too. We can wait. I’m sure it’s a lot easier to know the dev’s are in a good place and working at a good pace than crunching out demos and betas weekly only to result in a less than half baked product.
The experience I got while playing Va11-Hall A was honestly a refreshing experience and let me be more open minded with regards to “visual novel” type games.
I put that in quotes because it’s hard to describe Va11 with just one word, and I think it’s best that way. It’s an experience that makes you reflect on not just the potential future, but also the current events that are leading up to it with regards to companies/data siphons getting bigger and bigger than this run on sentence. And “bad touch” moments.
I’ll try to do my part and make more art to keep Sukeban in everyones minds! Who’da thunk we’d have the same fears.
As much as I like the idea of Patreon, I personally don’t subscribe through it because my finances are so unstable. But I will buy small games that I can afford from a developer I follow. But from the developer side, I guess releasing small games for a pittance might be less likely to translate into sustainable income.
Thanks for the update! I’d totally support y’all on Patreon if you decide to go that route in the future.
I love VA-11 and I buy it every time one of my friends asks ‘Valhalla? What is it?’ cause damn, it’s one those things I always remember with a warm feeling deep in my heart. Since its release I think I’ve gifted it around 20 times or so, and I will continue to do that. ♥
Health is a priority, cause we all have one life. I wish every one of you will be in a better place as soon as possible. VA-11 released when I was depressed, and it was one of the things that made me at least hold afloat back in the day, so I hope you all will feel better too.
I will still eagerly wait for N1RV as long as it will have to be. I know you will create another masterpiece, and I wish you to take it slow. Much love.
I think there’s not much I can say about gratefulness that the other comments haven’t said already, but I just wanted to say how much VA-11 Hall-A means to me. The emotional implications it had on my personal life at the time aside, it just scratches as itch that I can’t satisfy with any other piece of media, and I just keep coming back to it even though I’m almost positive I exhausted every piece of dialogue. I hope that your team is able to keep doing what it loves to do for as long as you’re able to, and I’d love to be able to see those projects come to life, but even if I weren’t able to for some reason, I’d still remember Sukeban Games as the creators of one of the most soulful, comfy, funny and beautiful games I’ve ever played. I hope that means something to you, because it means a lot to me.
Cheers to you all, and thank you so much!
I understand the struggle you’re going through. Things are changing more and more both in real world and game business. You’ll always have my eye though. So take your time and do whatever you need to keep yourself moving. A dream only dies when you put it down for good!
I would 100% want to support you guys via Patreon if the possibility exists.
Oh boy, this was a tough one to read. It really sucks that N1RV ANN-A has had to through development hell especially when I loved VA-11 HALL-A so much. I hope that you guys are able to resume full work on it soon. I hope that Project D turns out well too.
Patreon – I will sign up as soon as you make it (or at least as soon as I find out lol I’m months behind on my rss feeds…).
Highly recommend that you take care and aim low with Patreon to start. When Patreon first launched a bunch of people treated it like Kickstarter and failed to account for the insane monthly grind they were creating for themselves (promising personalized backer rewards etc). Maybe just have a tier for personal thanks (list of names) on the dev blog, special color name in your Discord, early access to game jam games (with a reasonable schedule for how many you make and how early the access is), and things like that. Talk to people who already have running Patreons to get a feel for what running a Patreon is like, especially including overhead etc.
I’m really not a huge fan of private/Patreon-specific content at all. I know it gets more people in the door, but I never log into Patreon. So I never see any of it. All the Patreon-type support I do is for publicly accessible content – YT channels, regular blogs, and podcasts. If you go this route I would also ask you to carefully consider what you are putting in the walled garden versus what you are making public.
Take care of yourselves and do what is best for you!
Actually heartbreaking to hear, I hope Fernando feels better soon. Va-11 Hall-A was an amazing experience, and the entire team’s work on it really shows through. Even though I’m a random on the internet, I’m wishing Fernando the absolute best, depression is a really serious problem and it can be hard to break free from it.
In the meantime I’m looking forward to the other projects being handled by the team.
I’m reading your Vlog and playing VA-11 Hall-A and some short games from Japan (to learn dirty English). I hope you all to keep going and feel satisfied.
I’m looking forward to any new release the team puts out, be it Project D, Nirvanna, or anything else, and I think I’ll check out those gamejam games and things too eventually. Va-11 Hall-A may be my favorite game ever but to me that’s only more reason to respect the needs of the people who made it and brought me all the smiles, inspiration, and really really good OST. I’d totally consider subbing to a Patreon or something of that ilk, but I’m a bit tight-fisted with my cash so no promises!
I hope for the best for the whole team, in work and in life, ‘specially Fernando, it’s good to see a dev team respecting the needs of its members like that.
Thanks for slaving away making games for me to stare at on my screen and giggle like an idiot at.
They had a Patreon and merch for va11hall-a at one point but I can’t seem to find it again ;-; totally be down to now free games seems worth it
Bueno, todo muy bonito. Mensajes de apoyo y comprensión por parte del público. Bien, veo que ese sector de personas lobotomizadas sigue estando allí.
Ahora vamos a la cruda e implacable realidad.
Esa en la que anunciaron un juego 4 años atrás. Esa realidad en la que retrasaron ese juego. Esa en la que estuvieron año y medio sin decir una sola y miserable palabra sobre ese juego, el cual, prometieron que la próxima novedad que recibiríamos sería “unforgettable, and when the project is done the wait will be worth it”.
Lo que se recibe en cambio es una release date when its done, y que el escritor estaba mal y que sigue mal. Vaya, parece que “the lessons learned in VA-11 Hall-A that are already showing up in N1RV Ann-A and NEXT GAME” están brillando por su ausencia.
Uno podría llegar a esta altura del mensaje y profesar una empatía hacia los devs. Lastimosamente no será el caso, ya que se prometió una cosa elemental que no se ha cumplido: “I’ve been trying to push the project ahead on my own in the meantime but there’s only so much I can do with the amount of things on my plate while still being a human being with 24 hours a day to manage”. That’s a pity, indeed. Things on your plate? Suena a proyectos. Proyectos que le quitan tiempo de desarrollo a N1rv-ann-a. ¿No te parece? Bastante diferente al mensaje brindado anteriormente, en el que se indicó que esto no se sucedería: “Wait, you mentioned other projects. Did those cannibalize N1RV Ann-A?” Not really. Sukeban Games now consists of at least 6 people and we have enough resources to subcontract duties as needed”. Aparentemente los recursos para terminar N1rv-ann-a se esfumaron durante estos años en los que no se publicó nada. O tal vez no hubo voluntad e imperó la avaricia. Quien sabe. Lo que se sabe es que el juego no estuvo, no está ni se espera que esté.
No se preocupen, siempre habrá gente que les financie un patreon mensual por la nostalgia de un juego de hace 6 años a cambio de minijuegos de 5 minutos que ya eran gratis y que no interesan. Sólamente quisiera aclarar una cosita: ese proyecto en 3D con cámara a lo Resident Evil de PS1 “que no canibalizaría a N1rvann-a” (hasta que sí lo hizo), no interesa a nadie. Ni por jugabilidad, ni por estética. Queda solo la historia, que ya veremos, pero la accesibilidad por parte del jugador promedio hacia una VN es bastante mayor en comparación con la de un juego 3D con ese tipo de cámara de hace 25 años.
Nada de esto importa, ya que soy un simple random que roza el capricho y está haciendo un berrinche. Sin embargo, debido a los años de espera e ingreso a la página en busca de novedades, por el anuncio que ustedes realizaron, su posterior retraso y finalmente su “saldrá algún día si Dios quiere”, tengo la obligación de, como mínimo, “quedarme a gusto” y decirle todas estas cosas que nadie les dijo, y que, si tienen algo de dignidad, ustedes internamente ya las saben, todas y cada una de ellas, ya que ahí está lo que escriben y lo que escribieron (hemeroteca is such a bitch, ¿verdad?). Como mínimo por toda la espera, tengo el derecho (y lo ejerzo) de decirles que son unos sin verguenzas, y que si piden un patreon ya directamente son unos caraduras, habiendo desarrollado un exitoso juego, el cual no parchean con idioma porque “el código es un desatre” (haberlo hecho mejor), pidiendo al público que le diga a la productora (no vaya a ser cosa que a ustedes se les rompa una uña) y encima sin tener la mínima decencia de tener un feedback con la comunidad en la página de Steam que habla sobre este tema.
Háganme caso: es muchísimo más valorable hacerse un onlyfans, al menos están dando algo real al público, y no palabras vacías y promesas incumplidas.
A ti no te debo nada, pedazo de gafo. A llorar al valle.
No gastes caracteres en mi, guardalos para el patreon, campeón.
Un besito.
Would you be willing to post the other completed projects you showcased on steam alongside va11-hall-a asap I’m sure a lot of steam users would appreciate it and would love to play them ^_^💖
WE GOT AN UPDATE OH MY GOD. Wow, what do I even say. Well, it’s nice that the team is still alive and pushing and hopefully everyone is as healthy as can be.
Man, I’ve been stalking this website ever since 2020 and me buying Va-11 on the Switch and I just cannot wait for what the future brings for Sukeban (hopefully it’s more than deserved attention) and for the members involved.
Please continue to do your best, whenever you can.
From a fan,
PS: please don’t overwork yourselves, it worries us all.
I didn’t know there were free publishes out there, gonna check ’em up soon.
After going through VA-11 HALL-A in different languages more than 4 times from 4 years ago, I started playing again a few days ago. The world and country I live in changed a lot since my last playthrough, and it falls closer and closer to Glitch City, and I have to pay for my own roof now. I remembered how those characters managed to find a way around their ridiculous reality, and I might just able to find a way too. It’s the courage I need.
I’d love to see more stories from that timeline, but the most I care atm is everyone could find their passion and peace in life.
glad to hear you guys are ok,don’t push yourselves too far,we’ll wait
I just want to thank you for the Dev notes. I know it’s stupid, but it gave me a scale of time passing and some of the impetus I desperately lack to move forward. I also love your smaller games. I hope you’ll have a healthy career with appropriate success (not hoping too huge, I don’t want you all to die of stress and overwork)
Sorry to say I’m probably one of the garbage people who’s been getting a bit impatient. I appreciate the update and look forward to Project D, and will check out some of those game jam games. Take your time and get better Fernando (and everyone).
Mensaje desde Argentina! Estoy muy interesado en su nuevo proyecto y espero que salga a la luz con una fecha en algún momento si llegara a ser posible. Estoy contento de ver que todo sigue a su ritmo y que a pesar de los problemas sigan firmes con sus trabajos. Ojalá Fernando se recupere pronto y que no escale a peores.
Les deseo lo mejor y suerte con todo!
Put life first, we will wait until that moment.
Hey, to all of Team Subekan, ( sry for my english i don’t often write in this language)
It is great to hear your still going strong and making games, sorry to hear about your about your writer hope he gets better in the future.
I just wanted to comment on the Paetron part in the blog post, it could work but i could see a danger in using it. This might not be the same for your guys, but i have heard of many projects and games devs who made a paetron, and ended but making less as time went by. From what i heard it was because of the safenet it gave them to make less and feel less motivated as money came easily in. I would hate to see that happend to you guys, as it seems from your selection of new games that your still going strong even after 2016.
Also it’s great that you write somewhere to get info about the dev team. But if may add a coment, the only reason i know of about site is from the Wa-11-ha-11-a subreddit, i would recommend that you try and interact with the community there. For every time i am on reddit i see new post of Wa-11-ha-11-a Content there, people are still talking about it and i would think it could greatly boost the community you currently have.
And lastly Thank you guys from Subekan for a great game which is wa-11-ha-11-a, i have last played the game a few years back but the time i had with it, is something i remember with glee 🙂
I wish you guys all the best. Take the time you need on the games and don’t listen to the haters or entitled people who want your games to be released yesterday.
I can read the frustration in your post and it’s very understandable. For now just focus on what you can really deliver to us, we can wait as long as it takes!
Remember, you guys have fans who appreciate your amazing work and recognize the enormous effort behind it, especially in this difficult time. Take care, you come first, never forget that, don’t overwork yourselves.
From a Chilean fan.
I’m really glad that Sukeban puts health before the games. That’s how it should be in game development! I’ll wait as long as it takes and support you guys however I can in the meantime. I am sure that no matter how long it takes people will remember you guys. VA-11 Hall-A was such a memorable experience. People will always come back to check out your work when you are done I am 100% sure of this, so try not to let it worry you too much.
A Patreon isn’t a bad idea. I would be willing to join a Sukeban Patreon.
Love you guys, do whatever you need to!
Much love to Fernando. Personally, been struggling to write for two years now because my day job sucked the soul out of me. I quit months ago, got off my amphetamines, and wrote for fun for the first time a few days ago. Felt like magic. It does get better, buddy. No matter how dark it seems, there’s an oasis of light somewhere. The hard part, the real hard part, is making the commitment to find it. I’m still not sure I have that figured out but I’m getting somewhere, and I know you can too.
Kirririn, I hope you take care of yourself as well. I’ve found that stress is the biggest impediment to artistic endeavors, while artistic endeavors are often the best stress relief – which makes it tricky. I hope you can still find some time for yourself and have some peace.
All things take time. Most art worth remembering isn’t made in a day. Virgil died having never finished the Aeneid, and it would seem he wrote only one line a day. But his well honed ability and thoughtfulness gave us an epic that, even in its unfinished state, is still wonderful. Take the time you need to avoid burning out, or rekindle the flames of your artistic passions. We also have lives we can live and occupy ourselves with. When you’re ready to bring us on whatever journey you’ve crafted, we’ll be here.
Thank you for keeping us posted, Kirririn. Take care – you, and everyone else at Sukeban.
Thanks for the update! I´ve been replaying valhalla recently and was wondering what you guys were up to. Hope you can continue finding that thing you love doing <3
que maduro chingue a su puta madre, espero que fernando mejore con el tiempo y todo termine bien!
Thanks for the update!
I think that make a collection of these small games e sell it would be a good idea to raise some funds and keep the team focused. Some new merch would be awesome too! I’d love to have one of those Vinil discs that I never had the chance to buy.
Take care and good luck!
Good to hear that everything (for the most part) is going well! Just take your time, we’ll be here for when the time comes for your amazing games to be played 😀
Yes make a Patreon rn I’d love to contribute even if nothing gets published
Truly hoping that everyone on the team is happy and healthy, VA-11 Hall-A helped me and many others to be happy and healthy, and those of us who realize that are nothing but grateful. Thank you, don’t stress, and we will all be here, just as excited and ecstatic to play any future projects that you may have <3 <3 <3
Ever since I first played Va-11 HALL-A I absolutely loved the game. Resonated with different characters and their story. Saw parts of myself here and then. At the time I was still studying in university and some themes in the game hit like a truck. Ended up not finishing uni because my mother’s cancer got worse and I just couldn’t handle it.
I replayed it once and still hop in sometimes even though I know most dialogues by heart. Just feels cozy. Thank you for making it. No matter how long it takes I’m sure both N1RV ANN-A and Project D will be amazing.
I sincerely hope Fernando will get better.
The way gaming industry is headed really does suck. But I want to believe that talent and hidden gems will still be found no matter how small the dev teams of the games are. And I do think Patreon is a good idea as half way through the post I thought about giving some additional funding even if I don’t have much myself.
Please update us with the stuff you do for game jams on here if possible! I’d have loved to play them sooner! Good to hear you guys are doing well. It’s been a tough few years, I don’t know what else to say but I look forward to what you guys will make. I will continue to give my support through it all.
dana zane vtuber when